Sendero Health Plans is waiving ALL member costs for the testing and treatment of COVID-19 with in-network providers and laboratories. This includes free telemedicine through eMD Access for all members.

COVID-19 and the Flu Season
With the start of the flu season and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic Sendero Health Plans created an educational guidebook to help you better understand any symptoms you are experiencing – from the flu or COVID-19 to allergies and the common cold. The guidebook is in English and Spanish and provides infographics and material from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention including information on getting flu vaccinations, free mental health resources in the Central Texas area.

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Equity Gaps in COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Webinar, March 10, 2021
The Sendero Research team presented findings of a survey to members to better understand factors that influence whether a person obtains the COVID-19 vaccine when it is available. The presentation was followed by a community conversation in which equity gaps in COVID-19 vaccine uptake were discussed along with opportunities and actions to increase vaccinations among communities of color. Speakers in attendance were John Litaker, PhD., Sendero Health Plans; Cynthia Valadez, LULAC, Central Health Board of Managers; Stephanie Hayden-Howard, LMSW, Director, Austin Public Health; and Mary Carol Jennings, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, Sendero Health Plans.

Sendero is closely monitoring COVID-19, known as the Coronavirus. Our top priority is the safety of our customers, employees and partners. Below is some information about the virus, including helpful links and a few questions and answers to keep you up-to-date and informed.

Please note that the content below is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus refers to a family of viruses. Under microscopes, these viruses appear round like the sun, with a surrounding bright ring, just like the sun’s outer layer which is called the “corona” — hence the name. Some coronaviruses are mild, for example the virus that causes the common cold. Other Coronaviruses — such as the one that has caused the recent outbreak in Wuhan, China — can be very dangerous, and even deadly.

What are symptoms of Coronavirus?

The primary symptoms include fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include sore throat, feeling tired and achy. These symptoms are similar to those of the flu, which is caused by influenza virus. People with underlying health issues are more likely to experience serious symptoms from the flu and from this Coronavirus.

How can I protect myself from Coronavirus?

Frequent handwashing and avoiding close contact with people suffering from respiratory infections, are important to prevent this and other viruses from spreading. Scientists are working overtime to develop a vaccine for the virus, but we’re told that any kind of breakthrough is still weeks, if not months, away. However, staying up to date on other vaccinations that are available, including the flu shot, will help support your overall health.

Is there a treatment for Coronavirus?

Because this is a viral outbreak, antibiotics won’t help. Treatment is supportive, such as helping patients breathe and stay hydrated. Although severe and fatal illness has been reported in some patients, many more have milder symptoms and have recovered fully without hospitalization.

Where can I get more information?
For more information about the coronavirus, please visit the following links:
Does Sendero cover the cost of tests and test kits for COVID-19?

Yes, Sendero provides coverage for testing with an In-Network provider and laboratory, and is not requiring member copays or cost sharing for tests and test kits.

Are prior authorizations required for COVID-19 testing?

No prior authorization is required for testing.

What are we telling members who think they may have symptoms?
  • We are encouraging our members to stay home if they feel ill.
  • We recommend that they report their condition to their family doctor. Your doctor will refer you to the appropriate testing facility, if necessary.
  • We recommend that they contact our Telemedicine Service which is available 24/7.
  • You can also contact our Nurse Advice Line for guidance at 855-880-7019 24/7.
  • We are also encouraging them to follow the health guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control.
Why Telemedicine?
  • The most immediate care is available right now through your free telemedicine benefit.
  • This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • The vast majority of people who have tested positive are successfully treated without a hospital or face-to-face visit with a doctor.
  • If you experience any shortness of breath, or other COVID-19 symptoms contact your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or log in to your telemedicine account immediately.
  • A telemedicine consultation provides more than enough information for the physician to help determine the best course of care for you.
  • Remember, there is never a cost to you for telemedicine consultations. Ever.
  • To activate or access your free telemedicine account click here or call our Customer Support line for assistance at 1-844-800-4693. Our business hours are 8AM – 5PM, Monday – Friday.
What are we telling members who think they need testing?
  • If a doctor or the Nurse Advice Line or Telemedicine Service recommend that you should be tested they should have provided directions on where you should go to be tested.
  • Sendero does not require copays or cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing with an In-Network provider and laboratory.
What are we telling members who think they need treatment?
  • Sendero is waiving all member costs for treatment of COVID-19 with in-network providers and laboratories.
  • If a doctor identified you as a person who needs treatment he or she will coordinate your care.
How can I minimize the spread of the virus?
We recommend that you follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control to prevent spread of the virus. You can read the full guidelines here, which include the following:
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Reduce Stress on Yourself and Others
The Coronavirus outbreak has been stressful for all of us. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children.
But there are ways to cope with stress that will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

If you would like to learn more or know someone
who does, please call our Crisis Line at 1-855-765-9696 at any time day or night. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also has information on taking
care of your emotional health. Click here for details.

Finally, as always please do not hesitate to call us with any and all of your concerns. We are all in this together and we will help any way we can.

*This amount was announced in June 2022.